Redesign An Important Aspect of You
You will do it. We will help
VIP Program
Consider our VIP program if you can commit to the process and if the redesign is worth much more than the cost:
DIY Program
Our DIY self-study course includes 5 weekly lessons, dedicated to learning and practicing each step.
This course is based on the same principles as the VIP program and is offered as a low-cost alternative.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
We believe in the importance of a personal touch that makes it possible to meet interesting people and explore opportunities for constructive synergies.
Who is it For?
If you (or someone you care about) really want to change, adjust, Improve, or replace some specific aspect of your thinking and behavior patterns, our offerings may help you.
We can help people intentionally redesign something about their traits, character, and eventually about who they are in the world and the way others perceive them.
You should
Some Examples of "Changes" or Self "Redesigns"
Meet Your Redesign Partner
My name is Doron Tzur. I live in Herzliya, a small town north of Tel Aviv.
My formal education is in mathematics, physics, statistics, negotiation, conflict resolution, mediation, education, and engineering. In addition, I have taken many informal training courses, mainly in philosophy, psychology, and self-development. I am also an avid self-learner.
Throughout the past 25 years, in the wake of a tragic personal loss, I have been involved in several projects aiming to improve well-being through technology. The current one is called ClaryNext.
Together with me, there is a dedicated team of developers and designers collaborating to make ClaryNext happen.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you can't find a satisfactory answer to any of your questions here, please conatct us before ordering any of our programs.
As time passes, circumstances, values, and priorities develop. What might have been perhaps a very suitable behavior pattern or trait may become less so. It may even hamper something more appropriate. For example, in your previous job, it was best to be quiet and conformant, while in this one it is better to be proactive and stand out.
A good analogy is the room of a child. What was so cute when she was three will probably have been redesigned several times by the time she leaves for college...
When you repeat a certain behavior enough times it becomes a habit and eventually a "second nature".
In our programs, you thoughtfully design the desired behavior and then put it to conscious repeated use, while improving and tweaking the details.
Over time, your neural networks will change so the redesigned behavior will become more automatic.
It is encoded in your neural network and you will feel an urge to enact it when triggered. However, the more you would choose to enact your designed alternative, you will reinforce it over its predecessor - especially as you witness better and more rewarding outcomes.
You most certainly can. Simply follow the process outlined on our home page. Our very affordable DIY course may help you if you need more detailed guidance, while in our VIP personal program, we take you "by the hand" and provide supportive technology.
Compare this to learning a new language. You can certainly do it by yourself, but an online course will likely help and online personal tutoring will help even more.
Both are based on the same principles. In the DIY course, you learn and apply them by yourself. In the VIP Personal program, we do this together and we create a personal app that makes it much easier to practice the redesigned behavior as your triggers are still strongly wired to the behavior you wish to replace.
The DIY course is sold as is. In our VIP program, we commit to doing our role on a best-effort basis.
As part of our full disclosure, we want you to know that we are just starting and have no testimonials yet.
We know most people rightly look for testimonials, If this is a crucial part of your decision,
please don't purchase our program until we have testimonials.
However, if you are a person who loves to try new things, we would love to have your story here.
If this may be of interest to you, please mention it when communicating with us.
Our offerings help you identify and implement desired changes in your behavior patterns
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